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Recommended Temperatures for Coating
Maintaining the Beauty of Exterior “Stained” Surfaces

1. Clean Your Wood Surface Annually.

  1. Wash and power rinse your wood surface at least once a year. This optimizes the water shedding and light reflecting properties of the wood finish. Excessive dirt, dust and pollen on the surface inhibit the coating’s performance and appearance.
  2. Structures Wood Care, Inc. suggests using the following formula to help optimize the protective properties of your finish.
      1. Mix the following ingredients in batch volumes to cover the area to be cleaned. (Approximate coverage is 150 sf per gallon).
        1. 2 oz. TSP *Do NOT use ‘Phosphate-Free’ TSP. It lacks the phosphate, which is the detergent.
        2. 1 quart of liquid bleach.
        3. 3 quarts of warm water.
      2. Wet surface of building with clean water.
      3. Apply cleaning solution with a pump-up garden sprayer, starting from the bottom and working to the top.
      4. Keep the applied cleaning solution wet for approximately 15-20 minutes, misting, if necessary. DO NOT ALLOW SOLUTION TO DRY ON THE SURFACE. After allotted time and while surface is still wet, power rinse with clean water, rinsing from the top to the bottom.

Do not exceed 500 PSI on the wood surface. Use a 45˚ fan tip keeping the tip approximately 12” or more from the surface. The objective is to remove dirt loosened by the cleaning solution. Excessive PSI may damage the wood surface which will affect the performance and appearance of the wood finish. (A garden hose delivers approximately 60 PSI, which is not enough pressure for effective cleaning.)

Protect vegetation, windows, and door openings. The TSP/bleach/water solution may affect grass, vegetation, or metal if applied directly. Wet nearby vegetation with clean water and cover with plastic tarps. Cover windows and door openings.

2. Determine If It Is Time For A Maintenance Coat.

Applying fresh stain on an existing finish, in good condition, is considered a Maintenance Coat.

  1. When a maintenance coat is required, refer to the Application Guide and choose the application process appropriate for your wood structure, and the Structures Wood Care product you will use.
  2. How often is a Maintenance Coat Needed?
    1. On horizontal surfaces (as decks, docks, steps, etc.), approximately every 1 to 2 years.
    2. On vertical surfaces (as siding, fences, etc.) approximately every 2 to 3 years on south and west exposures and approximately every 3 to 4 years north and east exposures.
  3. Key indicators of needing a maintenance coat include, but are not limited to,
    1. the sheen of the finish has dulled.
    2. water no longer beads on the surface.
    3. bare wood is exposed.
    4. white specs, or streaks, appear under the finish at the bottom boards.
    5. knots, flat grain, and areas exposed to high moisture and sun are showing wear.
  1. Apply a finish to a horizontal surface (decks, docks, steps, etc.) within 7 days of cleaning. Complete additional applications within 7 days of each other. If more than 7 days lapse between applications, you should reclean your surface, following the mild detergent cleaning guidelines.
  2. Apply a finish to a vertical surface (siding, fencing, etc.) within 14 days of cleaning. Complete additional applications within 14 days of each other. If more than 14 days lapse between applications, you should reclean your surface, following the mild detergent cleaning guidelines.

Limited Warranty: The information and suggestions for preparation made herein are based on research and experience of Structures Wood Care, Inc., and are believed to be reliable. Application and surface conditions are beyond Structures Wood Care, Inc.’s control. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of product or refund of its purchase price at Structures Wood Care’s option. Proof of purchase is required. Labor or cost of labor is excluded. Buyers must determine for themselves, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of the products for their purposes.

If you have questions or concerns about maintaining your wood surface, please contact Structures Wood Care, Inc. (866) 963-4680 or